so what?

So what if I have my legs painful right now, after a long day’s work. It won’t be worthy having aching legs and tired exhausted head if I don’t learn to choose my job the way it is, and the way it is not. In fact, what it has to offer; in terms of area for me to gain knowledge, is so vast. That includes the endurance and determination that I need to be a world class orchestra performer.

So what if I was late for work; have I gotten the lesson that it didn’t work that I was late?
It made my supervisor worried; worried that he might had scared his staff away and now he has to do the work all alone again.

And so what if I have forgotten to turn off the lights in the office, because I assumed that the lights are centralized. Do I want to take actions tomorrow and admit that it was me being last at the office? Then that would be worthy, because I’ve learnt to be responsible.

So I am going to play full out, to live every moment that I step in at work; the game of being a resourceful, competent, peaceful, and transparent employee; who is always on time and taking charge at any situations.

I won’t be here forever, so I will use the days given to perform and enjoy the miracle which is already there.

1 comment:

Lau Niang said...

Futooh...berkobar-kobar dier...ha ha ha!