news from faraway and just in front of the door step

Last Saturday night, there was a bomb blast in Hatyai, nearby the Odeon Shopping Mall. I’ve passed this mall before. I think I even entered that mall too! Four Thais and one Canadian died. Seven Malaysians were among the 65 injured.

This is devastating. And to think that their country is just next to us. Peace is a treasure; invaluable. And the image of Islam is tarnished again. If the police could capture the bombers, I don’t care if they are tortured to death.

Meanwhile. Just close to home, last Friday morning when I rode my bike on the wet road just after the fresh morning rain, I saw a group of Indian guys at both sides of the road. They stood there, some still with their helmet on, and their bikes on their sides.

Two guesses. Either there were policemen checking bikes for license, or there is an accident.

I looked around, but there was no damaged vehicle at sight.

When my bike moved slowly, suddenly just beside my left foot and my tires, there laid on the wet tar, was the body of a dead man, covered with newspaper, with his head still uncovered. His eyes were closed, and his blood spread on the road, following the trails of water left after the morning rain.

That’s at least the fourth fatal accident just in front of my apartment.

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