review: sbp comp 2007

Some of us were waiting for my review on this year’s final SBP wind orchestra competition, for the fun of it.

But really, my comments are just my comments. They are not really based on true knowledge of a musician, they come out of my comparison from what I listened in the competition, to the recordings that I have in my collection, to the performance that they have done outside the country.

This year’s final competition has improved so much. Despite of the naughty tactics being done by different schools, the performance progress is so significant, the game gets even tough.

I was informed that most schools were using the advantage of microphones to enhance their projection. Weaker players would have their microphone to set at louder volumes, so that they can get themselves the same level as the stronger players.

Smart idea, but that would not improve to mature the intonation of the players. If only we could toss these single microphones and use a centralized condenser microphone like they do in Korea and Japan. You know, the fluffy black blob hanging above, at the center of the stage.

Shortly said, all teams in the finals have at least proven something to the audience. Effort has definitely given in heightening our standards another few steps towards international level.

This is just a small beginning. Celebrate it, and look beyond it.

Each massive development starts from baby steps. If the trend goes up and up, all parties involved will get the benefit of the impact and maybe something huge will happen soon.

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