Taken round-round (bulat-bulat) from the internet. I think this one is good for me. How about you?
I am a 22yo male and am daunted of the fact that i may loose my hair.. Generally, i have thick, dark hair and am only experiencing a slightly receeding hairline.. Can any one advise me of any products that have proven results of hair loss prevention and hair restoration without the adverse side effects associated with most? Thank you!
Well there are only two "approved" options. Minoxidyl and Propecia. Minoxidyl is a liquid or foam that you put on your scalp. It, generally, works best at the top rear of your head (the crown). Propecia is a pill that inhibits DHT. Propecia might be more effective but it may also have more side effects. You will have to use each of these for the rest of your life to maintain any benefits they may bring. Another, new, option is the Laser Comb! It's basically a brush with a couple LED's attached. They are said to stimulate hair follicles back into a growth mode. Other then these, everything else is basically a crap shoot of hard marketing and half truths coupled with large price tags.
freind i suggest you take ESSVIT CAPSULE 5mg capsule daily everyday its very good for hair growth and hair restoration from roots so go for it and along with it take a multivitamin tablet like
stamina-od or revital then you will be king of hair ur looks so beautiful try freind its very good believe this is with no side effects because one of freind used and got good excellent results so try best of luck
The first line of defince is a health diet and exersice with a combination of Rogaine. If you feel after a couple of months that Rogaine is not working then I would move on to a consultation with your doctor. He then could prescribe Propecia or another pill that blocks DHT from attacking your hair follicles. There is a laser comb that has been approved by the FDA, but I haven't found anybody that says it works. Good Luck
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