he is not evil

Call me a fickle minded person, but just after 24 hours I posted about the personal thing between me and my house mate, I felt something is not right. I erased the post soon after that and decided to stop everything before people start to eat popcorn and watch the soap opera between us.

I was reminded by my friend when she quoted me saying;
“Only the wiser would prefer to end the dispute.”

I regret that I publicly wrote my response on what my house mate said, because what I did is un-ethical and plain stupid. The argument is yesterday’s news yet I purposely created back the spark of continuity, which is not healthy.

What was my intent? If it was to improve things, it was a mistake because actually the impact would be of the opposite. But really, was my intent good? Or was it just because of revenge, because the human heart like mine sometimes is polluted with bad temptations?

I have always complained about this house mate until people would not see the good side of him. So hereby I would recall all those selflessness that he portrayed through his help and kindness.

Orchestra supporter and excellent photographer
He attended a lot of our concerts, watching from the closest upper seats, taking photos so clear that I posted them in my on line photo album. Though he is not originally keen into orchestral stuff (since he is not of orchestral background) but, he still came and support us.

The information technology expert
Despite of my attempts of putting passwords and scolding him for silly dumb blonde reasons like I do not like people to interfere with my computer settings, yet at the end I will definitely came back to him and asked him to improve the settings of my desktop computer. He is always the godfather of my computer since the day I bought it. Despite of the famous Kuala Lumpur jam and the hot afternoon, and the problematic computer vendor, he offered to accompany me to the computer shopping paradise and helped to push the trolley towards the car.

Once my aunt had a problem with her PC, and this house mate was willing to follow me to Ampang to troubleshoot it.

The surprises and the treats
He paid for my sushi. He never failed to offer me her mom’s homemade dishes when he got back from his hometown. He offered to ride his motorcycle and bring me to places.

The diligent house treasurer
He would always hold onto the principle of paying all the house rental and errands on time, so as to maintain our image to the landlord, without fail. Thus we were safe from forgetting what and when should we pay our responsibilities.

The polite one
Sometimes I do get carried away and bluntly say sarcastic things just for fun and he would keep quiet so as not to create a scene. He could still keep his cool and ignore my silly behavior, at times.

The academic mentor
Besides Jules, I would always refer to him when it comes to academic decisions, such as on what to register and getting the rough picture of any requirements needed throughout my studies. And the noblest thing that he did was to offer me his thesis report as a very good reference for my final year thesis.

The problem solver and the life stories sharer
Also known as gossip session. We talk about our life experiences, share opinions, bitch about other people.

The activity mate
We have experienced shopping together, swimming together, working out at the gym, picnicking by the waterfall, lunch together, and it goes on and on..

The thoughtful one
And how can I forget this. Those who sent birthday wishes for me into my cell phone, including him; they are not to be forgotten.

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