It hits us all, a notch worse than our normal lives

The rich becomes restless as they cant spend and enjoy trips.

The average becomes depressed as loads of work go to them and they are working from home morning, evening, night, and at odd hours.

The poor, struggling to survive.

Many decided to end their lives.

I am one of them, feeling the pressure at work, doing something I honestly hate.


If I were to imagine my consciousness leaping out of my life, looking at the bigger bird view, from above.

I can actually perceive that this job that I hate, that is pressing me to the ground, is a blessing.

This quarantine is a blessing.

I am, actually being blessed with miracles back to back, knowing it or not, loving it or hating it.

That stresssful hateful argument that I had with friends of either spending or saving, landed me having precious knowledge and awareness of six months savings, which led me to recalculate my loans, commitments.

Which led for me to a discovery of the huge money excess that I have, praise God, which I can start use to build up my savings.

Which led to me exploring and founding ways to upgrade that savings into high profit investments.

That is already a miracle.

Next miracle happened when the government

1) announced and granted the delay of loan repayment, and 

2) granted withdrawal of money from Employee Retirement Fund. 

Some do not agree, but to me personally, these are miracle for me.
Now I have loads of cash to be transferred into high profit investments.

It is an opportunity to gain bigger returns that overcomes the interest in loan repayment-

And also a few steps ahead towards early retirement.

The third miracle, though I am still resisting it, is I am blessed with a good paying job.

While others are figuring out how to survive, I am just using my salary execute my plan for early retirement.

And for every day working hours which is stressful, I am granted another miracle, which is the shalat or prayers. A tool that not many were fortunate to comprehend let alone believe in, which has given me the space and time to just drop all my thoughts and worries away even for just a few minutes, giving me solace, and trust to God and His Universe.

This life at this moment is just perfect.

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